7:00 am
Chandler: "Mom! Wake up, there's a frog in the house!"
Me: "A real frog, Chandler?"
Chandler: "Yes, he's by the bathroom, hurry!"
Sure enough, there was a toad, the same toad that happens to come on our porch every night. He looked like he was frozen from fear, I was surprised they hadn't killed him already. While letting him go, Kali was asking what we were doing with her pet.
7:30 am. Realized we ran out of eggs the other day and I need them to make muffins.
8:00 am. Get Trent out of bed, and he is screaming. He keeps screaming for almost thirty minutes. In time-out, and out. He swings his hand at Josh and Chandler says "He's got a good aim, huh dad?" I notice a huge hornet? yellow jacket? in my kitchen window. I do not mess with stinging bugs so I call Josh who has just walked out the door to come back and kill it. hahaha By this time I have told the older kids to get in the living room and stay there, the timer has just gone off on the oven, and my toddler is trying to make himself throw up whenever someone tries to talk to him. (Does anyone else know about this with angry toddlers?) Josh kills the bug, gives me a kiss and runs out the door (I don't blame him one bit).
9:00 am. Everyone is sitting quietly at the table eating their muffins, and now Trent is squealing happily in his highchair, mashing muffins into his mouth, smiling at everyone. The first load of dishes is done, and I can breathe. For some reason when mornings start out crazy around here, the rest of the day usually goes pretty good. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Fun times, fun times.
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