Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Peanut, Miss Mae, Sissy, Princess, Baby Girl

Five years ago today I was laying in a hospital bed taking a nap once my epidural kicked in. I was so anxious to see your face. And unlike my previous labor, I was prepared and relaxed. I laid in bed talking to your grandmothers. Your great grandmother (Nana) was in the delivery room with Daddy and Mimi when you came into this world. You hold a special place in her heart and share her middle name. When you were born they didn't put you on my had the cord wrapped around your neck twice. I remember those seconds feeling like hours as they tried to get you to cry. When I heard it, I cried just as hard.

 You were gorgeous, just like I had pictured you would look, with a thick head of hair that stood straight up :). You were very alert and had so many visitors your first day in this world. Chandler was such a proud big brother, kissing you, holding you, wanting to help feed you, and occassionally poking your eyes. Your cry sounded like a cat, never like a baby, and you ate insane amounts of formula. We were living with Mimi and Paw Paw, waiting for this house to be finished. So that was your first home, until you were 8 weeks old. You fit right in, and slept through the night on your second day home.

You have always had a magnetic personality, and light up the room.

 You make friends easily, learn things so quickly, make everyone smile, and love life.

 You love pink, smiling, dancing, singing, art, having painted nails, shopping, dresses, your red glittery shoes, chocolate, doing things on your own, flowers, Dora, horses, music, baseball, and Jesus.

 You are determined and know what you want more than most people that are older than you.

We love your big smile and silly laughs.

You will always be our princess, and I am so lucky to call you mine.

We love you more than words...I can't wait to have cupcakes when you get home today! Happy 5th Birthday Baby Girl!

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