Last year this time we decided to move to Corpus Christi. It seemed a great fit for Josh's job, work was good here. Over the past year, that has proven to not be the case. Things have been slowing down and for our family, that's just not working. Josh was recently offered a higher position in Houston, and we jumped on it! So...now we are packing our things for the second time in a year and planning our move back home to Houston. I have some mixed emotions about it all. This has been a wonderful opportunity, we have met some great people, had a strange but lovely experience living in a quaint little home on the river, and the kids got to go to one of the best schools. Houston holds my heart though. It's where all of my children were born, where Josh and I spent all of our first 26 years, and where I honestly long to be. I am so grateful to God that we have been given this chance to grow together, grow in Him, and I will never forget our adventures in this small town. In Houston we own two homes; the one that we lived in and raised the kids in for the last 6 years, and one that we invested in and kept for a rental property. The rental is where we'll be moving into this summer. God has opened that door for us in a crazy way, but I can't talk about the details until it's said and done. It's a lateral move financially from here, so we will have the chance to save for a couple of years, and eventually buy the home we want to stay in for good. I'm excited to live closer to cousins and other family that I used to live across town from. God loves to make sure I don't get bored, it seems :). That's fine with me, I'm not one for routine, I thrive on change and spontaneity.
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" Isaiah 43:18-19
My baby fever has been kicking into full gear, but we have to wait for at least a year before we seriously decide to take the plunge into adoption options. I came across this amazing organization called
Project Cuddle, and wanted to share. They help find homes for babies who would otherwise be abandoned, or worse. They also find ways for troubled birth mothers to keep their babies and thrive in motherhood. It's pretty inspiring. Check it out.
Happy Hump Day!
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